Oh goodness, I made a Facebook page.

What have I done?…!

I made a Facebook page for this blog. I know, it seems silly, even to me. But I don’t want to clog up my personal Facebook page with “HI! I wrote a new post–go read it!” So I decided to make a Facebook page to share that sort of stuff there.

Also, I want it to be a general page for sharing pictures, videos, articles, etc. related to animal compassion and eating a plant-based diet. The primary reason I enjoy Facebook is to share and see what others share concerning interesting things found on the Internet. Also, it helps us to connect with like-minded individuals concerning whatever hobbies and interests we have. I find so much great stuff on the Internet and want to share it all the time, but I know my “friends” on Facebook would get annoyed and probably block me, and the last thing I want to do is close a door to the possibility of planting a seed in someone’s heart to be compassionate towards farmed animals.

I know there are a lot of Facebook pages out there about this subject, but I figured I’d add my voice to it. Why not, right?

So if you’re interested in “liking” the page on Facebook, here’s the link: Love Animals, Eat Plants Facebook Page

Thanks for your interest and as always…

May all beings be free from suffering.

❤ Heather

7 thoughts on “Oh goodness, I made a Facebook page.

  1. I did the same … I found that a fb page is vastly different to our normal fb profile accounts. But I also wanted to keep the two seperate. Good luck to us both 😉

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